Grace Kim in Small "Lite" Monolid Lashes | AAPI MONTH FEATURE

Grace Kim in Small "Lite" Monolid Lashes | AAPI MONTH FEATURE

Grace is a tattoo and piercing artist in the Phoenix, AZ area.  When she’s not busy participating at local festivals, connecting and giving back to the community, and in general being a badass representation of Asian female talent in the tattoo/piercing industry, she’s a model for Hannah Cho Beauty. 

When asked about her Asian experience, this is what she said:

"Growing up I felt out of place. At school, I would be made fun of for my small eyes, was asked if Jackie Chan was my dad, etc. I also went to a Korean church, but I felt not Korean enough in that environment either. I felt like I despised my Asian culture and wouldn’t embrace it. As I got older, I learned to love myself more and appreciate my culture more. Now, I am happy to connect and collaborate and be a part of the growing community and have so much love and respect for my experience and how it’s shaped me to who I am today."

We’ve been so lucky to have Grace and her lovely monolids in our Monolid Lash Band lashes! She’s been a supporter since day one and we couldn’t do this without her 💛

Find out more about Grace: @DesertGraceBeauty &

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